
Monday, March 6, 2017

Q&A Announcement!

So I was thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and then thinking some more about what on earth I was going to do for Magiverse's blogiversary (which is on March 8, two days from now!).

A giveaway?
That would be awesome to do for you guys! if only I had the money. Or books. To give away. Which, at this point in my life, I do not. 

I could do a Guide For the Newbie blogger. Which honestly, I always wanted to do but thought it best to wait for when I was no longer a newbie myself. Which, at one year, I suppose I no longer am (?).
I still have a lot to learn, and I'm still pretty new at this, but this guide could be a fun way to share what I learned during this year of blogging. 

And then I saw Lauren from Wonderless Reviews doing a Q&A for her own blogiversary (happy blogiversay, Lauren!) and I thought: huh, I always wanted to do that but I always felt self-conscious about it, and am I all that of an interesting person anyway? and... but wait. There is no greater gift I could give to my blog than overcoming my self-consciousness and fears. 

And so... with that in mind, I decided to go ahead with it and announce a Q&A post! 

I love you guys, and I wouldn't be here today without each and every one of your support. A blog is nothing without its followers and this past year I learned so much and was changed so much. 

If you could do one more thing for me... ask me anything you want.
From 'what book you would bring with you to a deserted island' to 'what's your middle name' feel free to throw questions my way. 

And thank you.
For everything up until now.
And for everything yet to come. 

"We read to know that we are not alone."  
-- William Nicholson 


  1. This sounds like a great idea! I love reading Q&A's from bloggers. So I'll be looking forward to it.
    And my question for you is: If you could read one book genre your whole life what would it be? :D

    1. Hey, Stephanie! (:
      Yay, I'm so happy to read your comment ^_^
      And thanks for the question - looking forward to answering it ;)
      Thank you! I hope you'll enjoy my Q&A post :D

  2. This sounds like such a great idea! I've never really done a giveaway or anything for my blogging anniversary as I too lack the requirements to actually host one "^^
    Alright, here are some questions for you!
    If you could travel anywhere in the world to find a place to read, where would it be?
    What book would you like to live in?
    What's the longest or shortest book you've read?
    If you could have a sidekick, who would it be (fictional character or real)?
    If you could only read the works of one author for the rest of your life, who would it be?
    Which element would you like to control (fire, water, earth, air) and why?

    Hopefully those aren't too many. No worries if you don't answer them, since I kind of just wrote down all the questions I could think of off the top of my head. I'm really looking forward to your Q&A, and happy blogging anniversary eve (if that's a thing?)! :D

    1. Erika... :*)
      Thank you! <3

      I'm SO happy you asked me so many questions :D
      Since I announced the Q&A so late I knew a lot of people won't have the chance to ask me anything. So I'm so happy for all these questions - thank you! :')

      LOL, I guess it's a thing now ;)
      Thanks, Erika. You're such a wonderful person ^_^

  3. Okay.. so I don't think I am good when it comes to asking questions, but here is mine:
    What are the three last books you finished and choose a song that reminds you of them. (3 books - 3 songs, a song per book) :D

    1. Yay, thank you Irena! (:
      It's a fantastic question, since I *love* matching up songs with books :D
      Thank you! <3

  4. Ahhh, Happy Blogiversary Zoey :D :D Reaching a year is always SUPER exciting!!! I'm glad you decided to do a Q&A!!

    Here are some of my questions!

    What's one of your favourite and least favourite things about blogging?
    Did you expect to be where you are now when you started blogging?
    If you could only recommend one book what would it be?
    What are some of your favourite songs?
    If you could go to any book world, which one would it be?
