
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Celebrating the Little Things Tag

Hiatus and all, I'm putting *pause* on reality to do this tag.
I miss blogging, I miss all of you bloggers and readers.
It's been slowly killing me not blogging lately.
And as much as I want to shout "I'M BACK!" I know I can't make any false promises.
That being said, I'm doing my best. And I hope... you can be patient with me as I try to figure out where blogging fits into my life right now.
Because it will fit somehow.
I just need to find how.

So, not so long ago I saw my friend Esther from Chapter Adventures doing this tag.
And, since she tagged everyone, it would be impolite to refuse.
I also really want to do this wonderful tag, so here is that.
Shall we?  

                                                             ⬥    ⬥    ⬥  

⚬ Who was your very first follower (if you can find out)? Tag them and give them a shout out! ⚬ 

*conducting a quick web investigation* 

My first follower was...
The one and only, my BBFF, Esther from Chapter Adventures!

Me and Esther go way back. All the way to May 2016 when I, awkwardly, sent her an email that went sort of like this: "OMG, I love your blog! How do you do this? Can you give me some advice?!"

Esther, though, wasn't baffled by this out of nowhere email sent to her by a complete stranger in desperate need of some guidance.
The advice she gave me, the warm and welcoming email she wrote to me, were far more helpful and valuable than any "how to" posts I read until then. 

I strongly encourage you to not only visit her blog but also to get to know the amazing person that she is. 

                                 ⚬ What was the last milestone you reached? 

Talking numbers, that would be 50 followers on bloglovin. 
But, honestly?
The most amazing thing I get with every post, the thing that surprises me again and again, every time I see it, is the comments.
Your comments mean everything to me.
They're what makes me smile, makes me laugh and makes me grateful.

Believe it or not, recently I saw a couple of blogs with so many likes and so many followers and absolutely no comments. 
It made me sad, and it made me grateful for every single comment I get.

Your comments are what makes me want to keep on blogging.
No pressure or anything ;) 

          ⚬ What was the very first post you posted on your blog? Share it with us! 

My very first post is also my most watched one and it's Introductions and Such.
Thank you all you wonderful people who took the time to read my rantings about me and Magiverse! 

         ⚬ Who was your most recent follower? Tag them and give them a shout out! 

My most recent follower and friend is Uma from Books Bags Burgers.
She already recommended a book to me (Three Dark Crowns by Kendra Black), we bonded over our love for Percy Jackson, and I absolutely love her blog design.
I'm really glad we met, Uma! 

⚬ What was the last post you posted and who was the very first person who took their time to click the like button? Give them a shout out! 

Well, this is a tricky questions considering I... don't have a like button on my blog.
I've been trying to figure out how exactly do I add one on blogger but I gave up on the attempt.
In any case, I'm going to shout out to the first person who took their time to comment on my last post. 

My last post was Infinity by Jus Accardo - Book Review and the first wonderful comment was my dear friend Erika Gold from Books & Stars and the Pages in Between.

⚬ How many months have you been blogging for? ⚬ 

Woah, it feels just like yesterday when I started blogging. But, in reality, it's been a little over 8 months!
We're getting closer to Magiverse one year anniversary.
They grow so fast (*sob-sob*). 

⚬ Do you have any bloggers that you're friends with? Give them a shout out! ⚬ 

Of course.
I'm pretty sure I only have blogger friends.
Where are you people who read blogs but don't have a blog of your own? Have you gone extinct? 😯

Sadly, I can't write out every single blogger I know because there are just so many!
So I apologize in advance for everyone who might feel left out (I'm truly sorry! I appreciate you all so much). 

Special thank you from all my heart for Esther, Erika and Lauren for supporting me, being such good friends to me, and for... well, being yourselves (: 

⚬ Who originally created the last meme or tag you participated in? Give them a shout out! ⚬ 

My last tag was the Fairy Tale IRL Book Tag and I honestly have no idea who created it. Trust me, I checked. I couldn't find out who. Whoever it was, you're amazing! I loved this tag. 

So the tag before that was The Pokemon Go Book Tag created by the lovely Aentee from Read at Midnight. Which I did all the way back in August and... yeah, my hiatus is worst than I thought.

Awesome tag, Aentee!  

⚬ Have you any social media related to your blog? ⚬ 

But of course.
Feel free to say hello to me on TwitterGoodreads, and Instagram.
I'm especially known to hang around these parts of social media. 

⚬ Last but not least... just say thanks to all your followers. ⚬ 

*Taking a big breath*

Needless to say, I couldn't have done it without you all.
You're the best part of my blogging.

And that wraps up this heartwarming Celebrating the Little Things Tag.
I enjoyed reading it on other blogs just as I enjoyed writing it myself.
It's never too late or too much or too little to celebrate the little things.

On another note, you may have noticed I have been using some emoticons
in this tag.
Yep, blogger added them and I got excited 😉

Thank you all.
I tag everyone reading this post.
Go do this tag - it's one of a kind.

See you soon!

You don't realize how much you miss something till it comes back to you, and then you wonder how you went so long without it.  
-- The Assassin's Curse, Cassandra Rose Clarke 


  1. This was such a lovely post! Hope your hiatus won't last too long ;)

  2. It's so great to see a post from you, Zoey. I totally understand your hiatus situation though. Take as much time as you need ♥ I adore this tag. I'm so happy you did it! Esther is so wonderful :D And thank you for the shout out, you're the sweetest and I'm glad we managed to meet!

    1. Aww, thank you Lauren :*)
      From what I gathered, a lot of bloggers have gone into an hiatus lately. I hope for the safe return of us all (:
      Of course. I'm really glad we met, too ^__^

  3. Awww, I'm speechless at all the nice things you said about me💕 thank you so much!! You've made my day, truly. I'm so glad you did this tag. I'm struggling with fitting blogging into my life too right now and it sucks not being able to do it freely, but a post here and there is better than none for sure! So glad we met through all of this!!

    1. I'm so happy to hear that (:
      Don't worry. We started this (sort of) at the same time. We'll find a way to make this work, I'm sure of it ^^
      Blogging is just so important to us both. If something is important, it won't just go away.
      Also, I'm happy I'm at least capable of posting 3-5 posts a month.
      It's better than nothing (:
      I'm really glad we met through this, too!
      Thank you so much, Esther :'D

  4. Wonderful answers :) I just love how this tag spreads positivity and love in the community :) And even if I did not follow the reasons behind your hiatus, don't worry about it too much. You'll get back to blogging at your rhythm and everyone will still be there to comment and love you back :D

    1. Thank you, Marie :*)
      Me too. This is such a warm and positive tag (:
      And, yes, blogging will get back to me, I'm sure.
      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment ^__^

  5. Aww..Such a sweet post Zoey!! I'm so glad we met too! I absolutely love reading your posts!! And I love how we bonded over Percy Jackson <3 I see how it's hard to figure out a place for blogging in our lives..Sometimes it feels like work but I assure you that when you get back to blogging we'll be right here :) I'm going to check out all these wonderful people you've mentioned in your post! The people in blogsphere are truly amazing aren't they?

    1. Why thank you, Uma. I'm so happy to hear that :*)
      So true. Entering the book blogging world was the best decision I ever made. I met so many amazing people, and I still have so many amazing people to meet (:
      Thank you, as always, for your wonderful comment :D <3

  6. Awww, thank you so much for those mentions! They really warmed up my humble heart :) I've been MIA on the blogging world and am finally back, so be prepared for me fill up your inbox with notifications from my comments ;)

    1. But of course.
      You're such a good friend to me, after all (:

      LOL, I really was wondering why I suddenly got so many notofications from Erika.
      "Did she went on a commenting spree?" I was wondering and I was right ;)

      I went MIA this month as well so no worries, I totally get it.
      I also took forever to answer back on all the comments but here I am now!
