
Sunday, July 10, 2016

The TBR Tag

Welcome, everyone, to the TBR Tag.

This Tag was created by Rachel from A Perfection Called Books and Dana from Dana Square
Even though this tag is 2 years old, you know what I say about tags: It's never too late to do them. So when I saw that Kristen from My Friends Are Fiction did it back in the day, I just knew I had to add it to my growing pile of tags to do. 

thing is, there are just SO many tags I need to get to. Which is why I created this poll on twitter to ask you guys what tag you want me to do first. 
The TBR Tag was the winner of this one!
And so, let's jump right into it. 

Question #1:
                                      How do you keep track of your TBR pile?

With my kindle, actually.
Whenever there is a book I want\need\interested to read, I immediately order the sample on my kindle, and the book is just there, staring at you, beckoning me to read it every time I go through my kindle pages.
That's a guarantee you won't forget about the book. Even more so than your goodreads 'to read' shelf.
Goodreads also helps a lot for keeping track on your TBR, but personally, goodreads helps me more to keep track of the books I read while kindle helps helps me with my TBR. 

Question #2:
Is your TBR mostly print of e-books?

I want to say "print, of course!", because what reader wouldn't want physical copies of books all around?
But it's not the case, I'm afraid.
Most - almost all - of my TBR piles are e-books.
Why? The curse of living in a faraway land, I'm afraid. The cost, the shipping, the waiting... is just too much. 

Do I prefer physical book? Of course! But I'd rather read in any way I can than not read at all. 
I'm so happy to have my loyal kindle.

Question #3:
How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

Here's a revelation about myself: I'm a mood reader.
Which basically means, I read according to my mood.
It's very dangerous for a mood reader to read something they are not in the mood for or are forcing themselves to read. It can get them - us - into a serious reading slump.
Which is why I never force myself to read a book from my TBR. I know they are there, and when I'm in the mood for one of them, I happily pick it up. 

Question #4:
A book that's been on your TBR list the longest?

According to my amazon digital orders page it's - don't kill me, please - Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass. Which has been on my TBR - I'm ashamed to say - since April 15, 2014. 

Question #5:
A book you recently added to your TBR pile?

There are so many anticipated books coming out in 2016. I always find myself adding another one to the list.
But I think this question is more suitable for a published books that I added to my TBR pile.
The most recent one is Feverborn by Karen Marie Moning. Which I added to my TBR right after finishing Burned by Karen Marie Moning.
For my full-on ravings about the series, you should check out this review I wrote about Burned.  

Question #6:
A book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover?

I admit, beautiful covers are what draw me to the book. But after that, it's the author and the synopsis and the reviews of people who read it.
I don't put a book on my TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover.
The cover draws me to pick the book up, yes, but I only put it on my TBR if, for example, I read something by the author and loved it, I'm enthralled with the synopsis or the reviews convinced me to read it. 

But then there are those covers, which are just... to die for.
Luckily, this book was on my TBR before those covers came out, so I wasn't tempted because of the covers. I have a feeling those covers really could have tempted me to put them on my TBR strictly because they are just... so... beautiful. 

Question #7:
A book on your TBR that you NEVER plan on actually reading?

You know there is the whole "never say never" thing.
But I'm pretty sure, I really will never read Passenger by Alexandra Bracken and - please don't kill me again - The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.
Sorry for all the fans, but I just... could not get into those books.
Passenger is so slow paced, and I heard from a lot of people that it really is a hard book to get into.
And The Raven Boys... I tried to read this book 3 times, but every time couldn't get beyond the first few chapters. The plot is so interesting, the characters sound great and I heard so many amazing things about the authors and the books. So of course, there is always a chance I might manage to get into it one day.
In the meantime... it stays on the bottom on my TBR. 

Question #8:
                         An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for?

If by 'excited' you mean 'dying', then it's definitely Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.
Is it October yet? No? *sigh*.
At least I'll have Nevernight for company in August.

Question #9:
A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you?

If by 'reccomend' you mean 'threaten me to read it already' then it's probably, again: the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Mass. And also: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Mass.  

Question #10:
                         A book on your TBR that everyone has read except you? 

Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses are the obvious choices by now, so this time I'll go with: An Ember In the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.
I feel like everyone in the YA and Fantasy community have read this book.
Except for me, of course. 

Question 11:
A book on your TBR that you're dying to read? 

The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa.
The Iron Fey series is one of my favorite series of all times - I love Meghan and Patch and Ash so-so-so very much (!). And I seriously just HAVE to get to this spin-off already.
The only reason I haven't gotten to it yet is because I need to prepare myself emotionally. Beware: Julie Kagawa's books tend to mess with your emotions. 

Question #12:
The Number of Books on your goodreads TBR shelf?

Well, you see, my goodreads TBR shelf only contains books that are not out yet (anticipated books). There are more books on my TBR that are on my kindle.
Anyhow, overall, on my TBR of yet unpublished books, I have 30 books.
On the published TBR pile, I have 28 books.
Well, it seems I'm not that bad at keeping up with my TBR. I actually wish I had more books there - the more the merrier.
Feel free to recommend me books I just have to read.  

And that's it for The TBR Tag.
I hope you enjoyed it (:
I tag everyone who wants to do this tag.
Better late than never, no?
See you in my next post!

"We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy."
-- Harry Potter 


  1. I have 419 books on my Goodreads TBR, HELP. I was actually planning to "clean" it and erase books I'm no longer interested in to actually have some control over what I want to read in the future. I never thought of keeping track with samples in the Kindle, it's such a good idea!
    I haven't read A Throne of Glass either, but I don't think I'm going to be picking it up anytime soon. It doesn't really call to me at the moment.

    1. 419? Wow, that's... a lot of books. I would have gladly helped you if I could ^^
      If you'll clean it up, I'm sure you'll notice you have, at the very least, half of this amount. Over time you lose intereset in some books.

      Well then, welcome to the "I didn't read a single Sarah J. Mass book' club. At the moment, I don't plan to pick it up either. But that's because I think it would be better for me to get to this series once all the books are out - or almost out.

      Yay, I'm so glad I helped you with the whole sample-kindle thing :D

  2. That's interesting that you use your kindle; So many people I know use Goodreads! I also tend to read ebooks more than physical, but not for the same reasons: I just read faster on them! :)

    1. Ha, well, my kindle is a loyal companion. Both in reading books and in keeping track of them (:
      Hmm... I think you're right. Kindle does make me read the book faster than a physical copy. Interesting. I wonder why.

      Thanks for commenting, Alice! ^^

  3. Ohh, don't worry! Throne f Glass is also on my tbr for the longest time. It was there even before the second book came out.
    I really enjoyed reading this tag. I don't usually do tags (if you noticed), but I just decided that I also want to do this tag. I'll probably write my post today (even though I should write a review but hey, there's always tomorrow!).
    I'll also mention you and tag your blog, if you don't mind?

    1. Hey, Irena! Long time to see :D
      Ah, it's always great to meet a fellow "I haven't read Throne of Glass" friend. Someday, I'm sure, we'll finally - finally! - get to reading it.

      Thank you, I'm so happy to hear this! Tags don't invoke much interaction with readers (or is it just me? ^^), so I'm so-so glad to hear you enjoyed reading this post, my take on this tag (:

      Yep, I actually did notice you don't really do tags. I've always wondered...
      Of course I don't mind! I would be honored. And I can't wait to see you doing this tag! It's a great tag to do, because it's so much fun. And also a great ways to make your brain remember there are so many books you need to get to ;)
